The Battle of the Sexes, round 156,423,212,090...
So Sen. Clinton got caught looking less than perfect the other day. Matt Drudge posted this pic on his website, Rush Limbaugh asked if America's ready for an aging woman president, and the debate was on. Ann Althouse, law professor and fine blogress, waded in by asking if standards were impossibly high standards apply to men as well.
The consensus seems to be that standards are too high in general. During the debate, I finally lost my patience and posted this:
It's been frustrating watching everybody danc[e] around the root cause of the disparity: fecundity.
Your typical man is able to fulfill his role, impregnation followed by providing resource(s) deep into his sixties. A woman, by contrast, is a dicey proposition by her late thirties, and completely washed up by fifty or so. (Both cases deliberately ignore recent medical advances because our biases evolve slower than our technology).
To riff off a notorious thread; both are depreciating assets, but women depreciate twice as fast.
Nobody responded, and the thread petered out on an Obama / qualifications tangent.